Poor Performance of Ministers Triggers Prabowo's Cabinet Reshuffle Discourse

The discourse on a reshuffle in Prabowo's cabinet was triggered by public dissatisfaction with the performance of the ministers.

Poor Performance of Ministers Triggers Prabowo's Cabinet Reshuffle Discourse

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The founder of the KedaiKOPI survey institute, Hendri Satrio, assessed that the discourse on a reshuffle in the Red and White Cabinet was triggered by public dissatisfaction with the performance of President Subianto's ministers. Public dissatisfaction with Prabowo's government was largely caused by the bad behavior of the ministers.

"The results of the KedaiKOPI survey were that 27.5 percent of the public were dissatisfied with Prabowo's government over the past 100 days, and the biggest contributor was the bad behavior of the ministers," said Hendri in a written statement to Tempo, Sunday, February 9, 2025.

According to Hendri, the large use of social media helps the public in providing opinions regarding the performance of the ministers. Public criticism on social media was then followed by Prabowo's words regarding his ministers. One of them was Prabowo's statement that he would not hesitate to take action against his ministers.

The momentum of evaluating the first 100 days of government was also another consideration for the reshuffle. Hendri explained that in carrying out a reshuffle, the president usually considers three things, namely objectivity, performance, and political factors. "The first subjectivity is usually the key to that assessment," said Hendri.

Subjectivity, said Hendri, refers to whether the president likes or dislikes the minister. Then, performance depends on the president's assessment of the minister regarding the tasks given.

For political factors, Hendri said Prabowo would consider the impact of the reshuffle on the cohesion of the coalition parties supporting him. The Constitutional Court's decision that provides a way for political parties to nominate their own presidential candidates without a threshold will also be a consideration for Prabowo.

"If later on, someone is released from the coalition, later on, will they threaten or become a tough opponent for Prabowo in 2029. Those things will definitely all be calculated," said Hendri.

Last Wednesday, President Prabowo spoke about the reshuffle issue while attending the peak of the 102nd Harlah commemoration of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 5, 2025. The General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party warned that their ministers and heads of government institutions would be replaced (reshuffled) if they did not work properly.

"The people demand a clean and proper government, one that works properly. So, I want to uphold that. The interests are only for the nation, the people, there are no other interests, those who do not want to work truly for the people, I will get rid of them," said Prabowo.

's warning regarding the reshuffle was conveyed after the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Bahlil Lahadalia banned the sale of 3 kg LPG in retail. Later, Prabowo asked for the ban to be lifted because of the ban on retail 3 kg LPG making it difficult for the community.

Hendrik Yaputra contributed to the writing of this article.

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