PLN EPI Plants 50,000 Trees for Biomass in Gunung Kidul

PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia (PLN EPI) inaugurates a biomass program by planting 50,000 multifunctional trees in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

PLN EPI Plants 50,000 Trees for Biomass in Gunung Kidul

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia (PLN EPI) inaugurated a program in the form of planting 50,000 multifunctional trees in Karang Asem Village, Ponjong District, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Together with the Gunung Kidul community and representatives of the Yogyakarta Palace, this subholding of PT PLN (Persero) also inaugurated a seedling house in the area.

PLN EPI Biomass Director Antonius Aris Sudjatmiko said that his entity is trying to support the energy transition by developing alternative fuels to coal. "Not only supporting energy security, but also food and environmental security, as well as improving the welfare of local communities," he said in a written statement on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

Aris claimed that the planting of thousands of trees is in line with the target of reducing emissions through cofiring technology. According to him, this technology has produced 575.4 Gigawatt hours (GWh) of clean energy. Since February 2023 to early 2025, a similar program has been running at Sultan Ground and several areas in Gombang and Karang Asem Villages. This program was also expanded to Cilacap and Tasikmalaya.

A total of 50 thousand multifunctional trees were planted on 15 hectares of land in Karang Asem Village. The types of seedlings planted include gamal, kaliandra, indigofera, and white teak. The seedlings came from a seedling house managed by the Asem Mulya Farmers Group.

Referring to the official statement of PLN EPI, the leaves of the planted trees can be used for animal feed, while the branches are for cofiring biomass for the Steam Power Plant (PLTU). The seedling house inaugurated in Karang Asem will become a seedling center and community seed bank.

Head of Bebadan Pangreksaloka Keraton Ngayoyagkarta Hadiningrat Raden Mas Gusthilantika Marrel Suryokusumo said the tree planting program also had a positive impact on the local economy. "With this commitment, we provide permission to use Sultan Ground free of charge to support the community," he said on the planting day.

Head of Karang Asem Village Parimin also stated that the program would help reduce the cost of animal feed, especially in the dry season. "Seedlings, from seed houses, can meet local needs while providing additional business opportunities for the community," he said.

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